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One of the urgent problems of mankind is the purification of the atmosphere from the toxic components of emissions from industrial enterprises.

The total amount of harmful emissions into the atmosphere for the year in the republic amounted to 2,271,000 tons per year, and this is no less than 38,000 railway tanks of 60 tons each.

Of these, 134 thousand tons per year, or 2,234 railway tanks of 60 tons each are thrown on the heads of only Almaty residents .

One CHP 2 of Almaty emits 45,000 tons of harmful substances

  All these emissions lead to the fact that millions of residents of the republic a year are prone to upper respiratory tract diseases that turn into chronic diseases and lead to premature death.

One of the optimal solutions to this problem are the proposed complex cleaning systems.

The integrated treatment systems installed will make it possible to collect all these millions of tons of harmful substances before they are released into the atmosphere, and moreover, to turn them into useful products that generate income and new jobs.

In other words, the installation of the proposed filters will allow toxic components not to be thrown on our heads, but to be turned into useful building material. At the same time, the operation of industrial installations and equipment with a faulty exhaust purification system must be PROHIBITED.

The implementation of this project will make a huge contribution to the normalization of the country’s environmental situation. Accordingly, this will improve the well-being of the population as a whole, which cannot but affect the development of the country.

And in economic terms, the introduction of the proposed technology is the creation of thousands of new jobs, saving tens of trillions of tenge of budgetary funds, the production of millions of tons of useful products from emissions, which, unfortunately, are thrown on our heads today.

Preliminary analysis and testing of ash for strength showed a positive result.

Before the completion of the first stage:

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This project is carried out as part of the implementation of grant financing for the commercialization of RNNTD, funded by the funds of the State Institution “Science Committee of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan”

According to the results of the competition for grant financing of projects for the commercialization of the results of scientific and (or) scientific and technical activities for 2022 – 2024 in accordance with the protocol decision of the meeting of the National Scientific Council in the priority direction “Commercialization of RNNTD” Extract No. 1 to the Minutes of the meeting No. 2 dated 09- On November 24, 2022, the project is being implemented by JSC “Institute of Fuel, Catalysis and Electrochemistry named after A.I. D.V. Sokolsky”.

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About project


Applicant and grantee :
JSC Institute of Fuel, Catalysis and Electrochemistry named after D.V. Sokolsky”

Private partner:
JSC ” Kazakhstan – British Technical University”

Implementation period:
26 months (The period of financial support of the project by JSC “FUND OF SCIENCE”)

R&D results: state no. registration of project 0122RKI0101
“Testing a new system of 2-stage purification based on a catalyst at the first stage and reagent purification based on an acid gas absorber at the 2nd stage, to check the efficiency of flue gas purification”.

Tests of a 2-stage purification scheme were carried out when operating on real gases of the waste heat boiler:
Stage 1 (catalytic): afterburning of CO and hydrocarbons;
2nd stage ( reagent ): absorption of SO 2 , CO, C x H y , NO x
Each stage was tested separately and sequentially combined . Purity up to 98% achieved

Scope: Boiler houses, thermal power station on solid fuel.

The proposed Integrated Treatment System is created on the basis of this RNNTD

The project team is staffed taking into account the relevant skills and competencies of each team member: this is education, qualifications, experience in implementing similar projects, skills in general coordination and management of the implementation process, control and monitoring of compliance with technological details – as part of the team, the authors of the technology patent used in the system cleaning. Monitoring the design and manufacture of products.

And the most important thing is the issue of promoting products, monitoring the market, working with potential customers and attracting them, working with existing consumers of products. Already, work has begun on the sale of products. And the first client waiting for the purification system is the Baskuat Boiler House in Taldykorgan .

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Multi-stage customizable CSR removes: dust and solid particles, CO, SO2, CNU, Nox, H2S

Expected effect

— Degree of purification up to 98 %;

— The selection of the reagent gives a wide range of captured components;

— COEX is easy to operate.

There are no domestic competitors – foreign ones are much more expensive

— Purification of gaseous emissions from sources working to obtain heat and electricity from toxic components is a major environmental problem.

— The complex cleaning system (hereinafter referred to as COEX) includes several independent stages differing in their functionality, design and principle of operation.

— The stages of COEX systems can be arranged depending on the needs of the customer and the required degree of purification according to the principle of the designer.

— Each stage cleans emissions from its own set of harmful components.— A complete set of COEX systems is designed to remove such harmful components of gaseous emissions as: solid particles, ash, CO, NO, NO2, SO2, CH4, H2S. Also, the complete set of COEX systems includes a module

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Collection and release of CO 2

This stage is designed for adsorption absorption of CO 2 using a solid sorbent.

The essence of the method lies in the fact that in practice, gas, previously purified from dust and harmful oxides, is passed through an adsorbent layer: the latter is most often zeolites of various grades ( NaA , NaX , CaA ), characterized by certain pore sizes and, as a result, , molecular sieve properties that promote selective absorption of CO 2 .

Possible potential absorbers include materials containing soda, which reacts with CO 2 to form bicarbonate and its further decomposition during desorption according to the scheme:

Na 2 CO 3 + CO 2 + H 2 O \u003d 2NaHCO 3 2NaHCO \u003d Na 2 CO 3 + CO 2 + H 2 O.

The adsorption process proceeds at room temperatures (5–35°C) and pressures close to atmospheric. Adsorption proceeds until the sorbent is saturated, after which the adsorption cycle is completed and the gas flow is redirected to another adsorber, and in the first one, the stage of regeneration with live steam occurs at temperatures of 100–130°C. The stages of adsorption and desorption proceed alternately with automated direction of gas and para- desorbent flows . After desorption, the steam with carbon dioxide is sent to a refrigerator, where CO 2 is separated from the condensing water. This method is more technological and economical.

The adsorption method of CO 2 absorption proposed in this project has a number of advantages over those currently used in practice. One of the main advantages is the use of solid waste from thermal power plants as the main part of the sorbent.

In this case, depending on the external conditions, various modifying additives and sorbent preparation schemes can be used.

This approach will allow creating flexible systems that can be easily adapted to the specific operating conditions of thermal units.

Since CHP ash is characterized by a small specific surface area, it is advisable to introduce binder materials of various nature into its composition, which will allow both the formation of a sorbent and the achievement of the required characteristics of its porous structure, which are necessary for effective absorption of CO 2 . In particular, preliminary experiments have shown the fundamental possibility of forming granules of a soda-containing adsorbent based on CHP waste with a satisfactory efficiency of CO 2 absorption.

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